Malik Seneferu: A Retrospective
January 16 - April 20

Malik Seneferu has spent the last 35 years instructing and leading an array of artistic and cultural expressions throughout the Black diaspora in San Francisco and beyond. During this time, Seneferu has developed a multidisciplinary body of work stemming from his early, firsthand experiences dealing with prejudice and injustice, as witnessed in and around his community. In his continued pursuit to support underserved populations, he addresses these issues through his life and art, and has made a difference in the hearts and minds of many.
Presented by the 31st annual AfroSolo Arts Festival, the exhibition showcases a diverse body of work that is divided into thematic sections: explosions in color; legacy series – honoring our elders, sculptural works; an assemblage series; and reproductions of original artworks. As a whole, Seneferu’s canon demonstrates a masterly exploration of socially conscious images and reflections of the artist’s life.
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