Event: Hat Matter: Thoughts of a Black Mad Hatter
Date: March 25, 2023
Location: The Taube Atrium Theater, San Francisco
Photos (39): Tinashe Chidarikire
The evening showcased the amazing talent of Michael Wayne Turner and his artistry and creativity as a performer. It was a special opportunity to witness and support MoAD’s work highlighting Black artists, an exclusive performance before the show heads to the Kennedy Center, in Washington, DC.
The performance was a one-man show featuring hip-hop, poems, stories, and monologue exploring the experience of an American Black Dandy.
Hat Matter uses movement and dance, accompanied by original classical string music, to explore the headspace of an American Black Dandy. The audience was invited into the dressing room of this Dandelion as he frolicked about his foxhole making sense out of non-sense, and shared his deeply thoughtful journey into themes of Love, Self-Worth, Community and the nature of our Humanity.
• Oakland ‘Black dandy’ Michael Wayne Turner III wears his solo show costumes every day – SF Chronicle Datebook
• Thespian Michael Wayne Turner III is turning heads on Oakland stages – San Francisco Bay View
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