Photos | The Recharge Group Holiday Celebration & BLKMarketPlace

Event: The Recharge Group Holiday Celebration & BLKMarketPlace (2023)
Date: December 12, 2023
Location: The Battery Penthouse
Photography: courtesy of The Recharge Group

The event, attended by over 200 guests, was a celebration of Black economic prosperity and amplification of 6 Black owned luxury brands in the Bay Area. According to Dr. Marc Spencer, Founder and CEO of The Recharge Group, “It served as a reminder that our financial future begins with supporting our businesses today.”

The Recharge Group, previously known as the Black Battery, a company dedicated to curating exceptional experiences for African American professionals is currently transitioning through a rebranding and evolution. Stepping away from its previous name, The Recharge Group signifies a renewed commitment to amplifying connection, creativity, and cultural immersion in its offerings.

“This isn’t just a name change,” explains Spencer. “It’s a declaration of intent. We recognize the unique needs and aspirations of African American professionals – the desire to recharge not just our batteries, but our souls. The Recharge Group isn’t just about travel and events; it’s about fostering meaningful connections, igniting inspiration, and celebrating our culture on a global stage.”

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